Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Brian Tracy's Tip of The Week

In my ecourse "The Secrets of Selling Warranty" I strongly recommend Brian Tracy's book "The Art of Closing the Sale" as an invaluable resource to those working in sales and in particular those working with the sales of warranty.

Below is an excerpt from this book on objections.

Nine Objections You Must Answer:

1. Unspoken Objections
The first type of objection you will get is an unspoken objection. The customer has concerns with your offering but doesn't tell you anything. He or she nods and listens to you, but you get no feedback to tell you where you are or how you are doing.

The solution to unspoken objections is to let the prospect talk more. Ask open-ended questions, lean forward, and listen intently to the answers. The more a prospect has an opportunity to answer your questions, the more likely it is that she will tell you exactly what might be holding her back from buying.

2. Excuses, Excuses
The second form of objections is excuses. These are usually instinctive reactions to any sales approach.

"We already have all we need."

"We are really not interested at the moment."

These are just excuses. They are really not serious. The best salespeople nod, smile, agree, and then ask a question to take control of the conversation. The very best way to handle any initial sales resistance, including excuses and impulse is with these words: "That's all right. Most people in your situation felt the same way when I first called on them. But now they have become our best customers, and they recommend us to their friends."

This response immediately shifts the focus of the conversation away from your product and onto other satisfied customers. It almost invariably triggers the response you want: "Oh really, What is it, then?"

3. Malicious Objections
Then there are the malicious objections. Because you call on many different people, you will occasionally call on individuals who are unhappy or angry about their current situations. Since they cannot shout at their bosses or spouses, they take it out on the friendly salesperson. These people tend to be negative in their demeanor and behavior. They criticize your product or compare it unfavorably to those of your competitors. They sometimes imply that you charge too much or that your product is not pf particularly good quality.

The way to deal with malicious objections is to realize that you are not the target. The person you are talking to has problems of his own that have nothing to do with you. You are just caught in the emotional crossfire between him and other factors in his life. You job, as a professional, is to remain calm, confident, positive, and polite throughout. Very often this behavior on your part will soften the negativity of the prospect and eventually encourage him to open up to you.

4. Requests for Information
The fourth most common objection is a request for information. This is the best type of objection for you to hear, because you know how to answer this as well or better than any other part of your presentation.

Whenever a prospect asks for information about the results or benefits she will get from your product or service and how she can get them, you are moving into excellent field position to make a sale.

Use all your objection-handling skills. Welcome the objection. Compliment the person for asking the question. Thank her for bringing it up. And then answer it completely, ending with, "Does that answer your question?"

5. Show- Off Objections
Another type of objection is the show-off objection. Sometimes prospects try to show you how much they already know about your product or service. They make sophisticated observations or ask you complex questions about your product, service, or industry.

When this happens, respond by taking the low road. Show how impressed you are by how much the prospect already knows. Dominate the listening and let the prospect dominate the talking. Be conciliatory and polite. Remember, when you make a prospect feel important by listening to him with rapt attention, he is much more likely to warm up to buy from you.

6. Subjective Objections
The sixth most common type of objections are subjective or personal objections. These objections are aimed at you as a person. Prospects say things such as, "You look like you are doing pretty well in this business." Ort "You seem to be making a lot of money selling this product."

Whenever a person becomes critical of you, it could be a sign that you are talking too much about yourself. The prospect is attempting to bring you down a little bit by criticizing your appearance or behavior.

When you find yourself talking too much about your company, your product or service, or your personal life, stop and ask a question. Start talking about the customer rather than yourself. Ask questions about what the customer wants and needs. Make the customer the center of attention, and the subjective objections will stop.

7. Objective Objections
You may also hear the objective or factual objection. These are directed at your product offering and the claims that you make in terms of what it will do for the customer. The prospect may say, "I don't think that it will do the job that we require." Or "It looks good, but it's not satisfactory for our needs."

If you can answer an objective objection, you can often get the sale. The very best way to do this is to provide testimonials an other proof that make it clear that your product will do what you say it will. Assure the prospect that she will get the benefits that you promise and you have just made it easier for her to buy from you.

8. General Sales Resistance
The eighth most common form of objection is what we have called general sales resistance. This always occurs at the beginning of a presentation. Until you neutralize the general sales resistance, the customer will be listening to you with a closed mind.

Lower initial sales resistance by using the approach close. Say, "Mr. Prospect, thank you very much for your time. Please relax. I'm not going to try to sell you anything today. All I want to do is ask you some questions and see if there is some way that my company can help you achieve your goals in a cost-effective way. Would that be all right?"

When the prospect relaxes and gives you permission to ask him questions, you immediately begin your preselected open-ended questions to qualify the prospect and find out what he really needs that you can provide for him.

9. Last-Ditch
The final most-common objection is called the last-ditch objection. You have make your presentation, and the prospect clearly sees how she would be better off with your product or service. She knows and understands what you are selling and how much you are asking. She is on the verge of making a buying decision, but she still hesitates.

"How do I know I'm getting my money's worth?" she might say. Or "Are you sure this is the best deal I can get?"

Listen with respect; then assure the prospect that yours is an excellent product or service, at a good price, and that everyone else who is using it today is very happy with their decision. You have then overcome the last-ditch objection.

To get a copy of this book
click here


Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Art of Closing the Sale: The Key to Making More Money Faster in the World of Professional Selling By Brian Tracy

Have you seen my recent review of Brian Tracy's "The Art of Closing the Sale" posted on

"If you are working in Retail or Direct Selling the techniques for framing and closing a sale are all here.This little book is literally worth thousands of dollars in sales commissions if only you would stop and apply some of the well proven ideas in this book.
The ideas are simple, well proven and easy to apply.

I have trained literally thousands of sales people in the Retail Electrical Appliance Industry in Australia to sell extended warranties. I encourage them to use some of the techniques in Brian Tracy's book and have literally watched individuals sales figures skyrocket over night as a result.

If I was a business owner or sales manager working in sales I would give a copy of this book to every team member and then use it as a focus for team meetings and skills development.

Highly recommended"

To see this and other highly recommended books click here.
